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What is

Clearness is the commercial center to get one-on-one master counsel on a wide assortment of business themes. The site makes it simple to work with fast Q&A-style counseling calls. 

The site was set up in 2012 by Dan Martell, and now flaunts in excess of 30,000 specialists and works with more than 12,000 counseling calls each month. The organization, which raised an underlying seed round of $1.6 million, was procured by Fundable recently. 
You can even converse with "superstar" business people like Eric Ries and Mark Cuban. The Mavericks proprietor and Shark Tank financial backer has his rate set to $166.67 each moment however — so far no takers however! 

Think about one of the normal subjects of Side Hustle Nation: putting your "purchase catches" on commercial centers that as of now exist. 

Clearness is one of those commercial centers. Individuals are perusing on there searching for answers to explicit inquiries — and surprisingly better, they're prepared to go through some cash for help. 

For administration based organizations and experts, this is another possible route for customers to find you; one that doesn't depend 100% on your own promoting endeavors. 

It's not automated revenue, but rather there's additionally almost no overhead included. 

My normal call endures 20-25 minutes and acquires $50-70.

How Works

How Clarity functions is as a facilitator among specialists and those requiring master exhortation. In case I'm searching for assist with a particular business question, I can go on and peruse qualified experts to set up a call with. 
It's one-on-one, direct, and now and then practically quick. Maybe than going through hours chasing for the right understanding or data, I can find the solutions I need immediately from trusted, confirmed, and peer-surveyed sources. 

To set up a call: 

I fill in a little structure to give my master a thought of what I need to discuss. 
Gauge how long I figure the call will run. 
Recommend multiple times, starting as right on time as an hour from the time I make the solicitation. 
Lucidity will charge me quickly for the assessed length of the call, and discount me the distinction if the call is more limited than expected. (Also, charge me the overage in the event that we run long.) 
The organization gives a phone call number to dial in to, and tracks how long the call endures. You pay just for the time both you and the master are on the line. 
When the call is planned, you can dial in from anyplace. I've accepted calls from an Airbnb loft in Madrid, a Starbucks in Seattle, and keeping in mind that strolling around the roads of Anaheim. 

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